Alkitab Indonesian Bible Download

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Alkitab Indonesia Terjemahan BaruDownload Alkitab Indonesia

Terjemahan Baru (TB). The Terjemahan Baru (TB) is a formal translation of the Indonesian Bible. It is offered by permission of the Indonesian Bible Society (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia) with offices located at Jln. Salemba Raya 12 in Jakarta. Read more $16.99. Download Alkitab ( Indonesian bible ) apk old & latest version 2.7 ( at apkmob. Support for Android.

Alkitab is a nice app which offers you the chance to read multiple versions of the bible on your Smartphone on the go. If you have been looking for a way to read the bible in a comprehensive and detailed manner then this app is perfect for you. This Indonesian bible app lets you read the Holy Scripture in a number of different languages. You have the opportunity to choose the language in which you want to read the bible. Moreover, Alkitab provides you various versions of the bible that have been translated into various languages as well that you can download on your device and then read in the app.

You can find these versions in the 'Manage Versions' section of the app. With Alkitab, you get the opportunity to delve deeper into the bible and understand it in a much better manner. This Indonesian bible app allows you to cross reference multiple versions of the bible and find out the verses that are interconnected in all of them. However, this feature is only available with a few translated versions of the bible. There is a search option also available in Alkitab which offers you the chance to search for verses using a keyword or a phrase.

To use this option, you just have to enter the word into the search box that is provided on the top bar of the app. The app will then provide you a list of results, containing verses which have your entered keyword present in them. Pro Evolution Soccer Patch 1.3.

A great feature of the Alkitab is the daily devotions that it offers to you. They provide you the chance to praise the god. The devotions that are updated daily on this Indonesian bible app are taken from various different sources. These devotions are in Indonesian, though. If you do not know the Indonesian language then you won't be able to read them. Reading Plans is another excellent feature that Alkitab provides its users.

It offers you a list of reading plans that you can download and use for reading the bible. These readings plans are designed to help you in setting goals for you regarding bible reading.

There are a variety of reading plans available and you have the choice of selecting the one which you think is most suitable for you. In this section of the app, you will find three different categories. The first one is the Featured category, the second is Newest and the third is By ID. This Indonesian bible app also offers you the feature of Song Books as well. You will see a list of song books in this section of the app. You can download them on your device and then read the lyrics of these songs offline.

There are three categories available in the Song Books section of the app. The first category is Utama, the second category is Lainnya and the third is International. Various customization options are also afforded to you by Alkitab. The Settings section of the app contains a number of personalization options which you can use for configuring the app according to your preferences. The options that you will find in here include Sync, Display, Usage and Copying and sharing. Features: • User-friendly interface • Nice layout and design • Bible translations in various languages • Search function • Cross referencing feature • Daily devotions • Reading Plans feature • Song Books feature Conclusion: Alkitab is a good app which has been geared towards devout Christians.

Download Installer For Pc here. It provides them the opportunity to read the bible anytime and anywhere they want on their phones. It's a great app to have on your phone if you are a Christian.

Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki Alkitab dalam smartphone atau tablet Android Anda. Nikmati aplikasi gratis ini yang berisikan Firman Kudus edisi Indonesia: Alkitab Terjemahan Baru, yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1974 dan banyak digunakan saat ini di Indonesia. Baca dan pelajari ayat-ayat setiap hari, bahkan ketika Anda sedang offline. Setelah aplikasi ini ada pada perangkat Anda, Anda dapat membaca Alkitab tanpa koneksi internet, dimanapun Anda berada. Jangan ragu untuk mengunduh Aplikasi Alkitab baru yang gratis ini: Alkitab Indonesia, cara terbaik untuk membaca Alkitab! Memiliki Alkitab dalam smartphone atau tablet adalah ide bagus jika Anda tidak memiliki waktu untuk berada di rumah dan membaca salinan Alkitab dalam bentuk cetak. Anda dapat mengunduh dan membaca Alkitab di mana saja, dalam perjalanan pergi kerja atau sekolah, atau ketika Anda sedang dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, bepergian atau beristirahat di tempat kerja. Mass Effect 1 Free Download Full Version For Pc on this page.