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Cunoaste-ne mai bine. Servicii Ce va oferim si care este costul Dumneavoastra [Respect] Colectii Sunt realizate de noi si iti sunt dedicate [Imaginatie] Academie Scoala de Coafura acreditata de Ministerul Muncii [Certificare]. Ce stil de coafura ti se potriveste? Spune-mi ce freza ai ca sa iti spun cum esti. Program TV Program TV. Vreau sa mi sch si eu tunsoarea am 49 ani ce mi.
• As an artist, I found at Fason the ideal conditions to give life to all hypostases that my work involves, from extravagant characters for shootings and concerts, to feminine and refined appearances at different events and TV shows. Cristina Grama is a talented and visionary hairstylist and also an artist with an incredible energy.
The performances of the team as a whole are doubled by the fact that, as a client, you are always welcome with warmth and friendship and you really become part of a special world, of color and magic. Alexandra Ungureanu • Fason means dear people, talent and exemplary treatment. I loved Cristina Grama from the first time we met, because she inspires trust, she is a beautiful and talented person. Each time, the hairstyles she suggested, made an impact. I had the opportunity to participate to several events organized by Fason- all of them turned out to be a success, an explosion of color and creativity. For my next video, Fason will take care of my look to be impeccable- I am glad that there is such a salon concept and such a team. I thank you all for being next to me!
Maschine 1 8 Keygens. Maria Radu • When my friend, Alice Nastase, editor in chief at Tango magazine, proposed me a photo session, I had a small-high retainer: at my age? How to make to look competitive?
Usually, the beauties take photo sessions! - Stay calm- said Alice. I'll bring the hair stylist and the makeup artist, and I promise you'll be satisfied! So I met Cristina Grama.This is where a second concern intervened, as Cristina suggested me an easy change of look.I am a pretty conservative person and when it comes to changes of look, I usually experience an inner fear! However, because it was vacation and my show was also on a break, I risked! It is said: 'no risk, no gain'!
Cristina looked at me for long, she analyzed me on all sides, and afterwards the scissors began to chatter, the colors to combine themselves, the blow-dryers to make noise! Then, the brilliant photographer Paul Buciuta, immortalized the result.I can say with my hand on my heart that I have never received so many congratulations for the way that I look, as I received after the accompanying photo was published! Cristina, thank you! If all human beings who cross your hands enjoy a similar result, then our Planet would be more beautiful! Marina Almasan.
Christopher Chace Crawford sau mai bine cunoscut ca Chace Crawford, este fiul lui Chris si al Danei Crawford. S-a nascut la data de 18 iulie 1985 in Lubbock, Texas.
Chace Crawford a copilarit in Plano, Texas. Tatal sau este doctor dermatolog si mama sa este profesoara. Are o sora mai mica, Candice, care studiaza jurnalismul la universitatea Missouri-Columbia, ea fiind cunoscuta si ca Miss Missouri USA, titlu castigat in anul 2008. Chace Crawford a jucat fotbal si golf in liceu, absolvind academia. Christopher Chace Crawford sau mai bine cunoscut ca Chace Crawford, este fiul lui Chris si al Danei Crawford. S-a nascut la data de 18 iulie 1985 in Lubbock, Texas.
Chace Crawford a copilarit in Plano, Texas. Tatal sau este doctor dermatolog si mama sa este profesoara.
Are o sora mai mica, Candice, care studiaza jurnalismul la universitatea Missouri-Columbia, ea fiind cunoscuta si ca Miss Missouri USA, titlu castigat in anul 2008. Chace Crawford a jucat fotbal si golf in liceu, absolvind academia Trinity Christian in anul 2003. Dupa terminarea liceului s-a mutat in Malibu-California pentru a urma cursuri la universitatea Pepperdine, unde a devenit membru al fratiei Sigma Nu, dorind sa-si urmeze tatal in cariera de doctor. Incurajarea spre a urma o cariera in lumea filmului a venit din partea mamei sale, el multumindu-i si acum pentru asta. Imediat dupa semnarea unui contract cu o agentie, Chace a primit un rol in filmul de televiziune Long Lost Son unde a jucat alaturi de Gabrielle Anwar. In acelasi an (2006) a jucat alaturi de Steven Strait, Taylor Kitsch, Sebastian Stan si Toby Hamingway in horror/thriller-ul The Covenant.